Got a question?

We'd love to talk about how we can help you


153 Williamson Plaza, 09514


Phone Number

+94 76 9139 594

Frequently Asked Questions

The master key of knowledge is, indeed, persistent and frequent questioning.

Go to the site and you can access the contact page and send us a message saying anything you want. Or else you can contact us through our WhatsApp number (+94 76 913 9594) and give the info of what you want to our agent and that’s it. Another way is to contact us through our social media. Yes, it is as simple as that!
There is absolutely no need for this. After all, you do not have to know medical nuances when seeking a dentist’s services. You do not have to be an expert in software development because, actually, we are. We are ready to explain to you all unclear moments and the essence of all stages while working on the project.On your part, all you need is a clear vision of what objectives you want to achieve using the desired software product. Therefore, you just have to focus on your needs, and we will help you make them a reality.
Share the details of your project – like scope, timeframes, or business challenges you’d like to solve.
We work in a short iteration mode and regularly test the work results, taking into account all customer preferences and the target audience reaction. This approach allows us to provide our customers with high-quality products, observing the specified deadlines. Quality is our top priority.
Depending on the complexity of the project, within 24 hours to analyse and create a project plan, we can let you know the approximate time it would take.
Yes, we are always glad to provide technical support and service the softwares we have developed. We can also further develop your software product if you need to implement new features or integrate third-party services.
You will receive the account details with the project plan and there is an advanced payment and then you can deposit the remaining after we deliver you the project. Not to worry, we only take 30%? Of the total value of the project and we won’t charge even a cent more than what we have decided in the beginning. You might even get a discount!
Depends on what the project is. There are projects like NFT, artwork, etc which you can resell with the credit to the owner (CTTO).
Our experts possess a wide range of skills, enabling us to offer our customers the best solutions to achieve their goals. The basic FORGEAR profile is Full-stack-development; we also work with C#, Python, Java, Angular/Angular.JS, React/React.JS, Node.JS, and CMS.